
Privacy Policy Who We Are: Costco Logics is committed to your privacy. We don’t ask for or collect personal information while you use our app. Data Collection: We collect only the minimum data needed to operate our services. We don’t log your browsing history, IP address, or connection details. Our systems are designed not to have sensitive information about you. Personal Information: We don’t collect or store any personal information unless you choose to provide it. For example, if you contact us directly, we may receive your name, email, and message. We use your email to respond to your inquiries or send you updates, but you can opt out of marketing emails. Service Information: We may collect data related to your app usage, like your current location to provide map services. We do not store or share this data. We access certain phone features (like camera, contacts, and storage) only for app functionality, but we don’t store or share any information. Children’s Privacy: We do not kno